A Unique Approach for Unique Individuals
Physical Therapy Re-imagined
Completely Customized Programs
Our Physical Therapy Programs can be truly customized. Every person has unique needs and we recognize that with your goals as our top priority. Patient programs can be set from 30min to 3hr at a time 1-6x/wk until goals are met. Programs can be expanded or contracted as needs change.
Quality Movement Development
Safe and independent functional mobility is important but it should never be the only focus. Our approach targets normalizing quality movement to ensure that pain and joint breakdown do not occur during treatment or in the future. Our creative and constantly-adapting approach will ensure that your pain-free independence endures the test of time.
Whole-Body Approach
Our ability to treat the whole body means that you are never treated just “waist down” or “waist up.” Restoring safe, independent, quality movement means that the upper body is just as important as foot mobility. Our approach is able to address everything from stabilizing lower back control to hand/fine motor function to progressing foot/ankle control in/out of bracing.
Getting Started
What are you looking for?
A short phone call or email introduction will be done to identify your needs and schedule initial visit.
Consultation and Evaluation
Consult in person with Dr. Audia who will evaluate your needs and establish a clear treatment plan in accordance with your specific goals. Treatment often begins on the first visit.
Start Getting Better with your Treatment Plan
A treatment plan that works for your specific functional level, time commitment, and needs will be implemented. This plan is flexible and intensity/frequency will be adjusted as needed.
"The first thing Dr. Audia did was help to get me out of pain, then he helped me to move the way I have wanted to since the moment I had my stroke. This place is incredible."
— William B., Audia PT patient
Do you take insurance?
The good news is that we do not accept insurance at Audia PT. This is good news for everyone that walks through our door because it means that your treatment is not limited or directed by your insurance company. Your goals are specific to your individual needs and the quality of your movement. This means that you will be able to access the care you need at the frequency you can handle with the duration of time you need to achieve them. “It’s not pretty but it’s functional” is not our mantra here. Achieving top quality movement for lasting, pain-free outcomes is paramount at Audia PT. We want you to achieve the highest quality of independent mobility to ensure long-term success.
What are the benefits of a clinic that does not accept insurance?
The benefits of direct-pay care are plentiful and powerful. Using this model eliminates the third party interest from your goals and puts you and your therapy team in the driver’s seat. Not accepting insurance also allows our clinic to treat the entire body for recovery: from coordinating trunk movement and balance, to restoring shoulder/elbow/hand function, to the fine motor coordination of the hands, to progressing feet out of restrictive braces. A full body approach is the best way to achieve the highest quality of independent movement possible.
Intensive therapy is key for people who are recovering from a stroke or traumatic brain injury. With an insurance-based program, the best you can usually hope for in an outpatient therapy setting is therapy at 3x/wk for 45-60min per session. Here at Audia PT, therapy can be delivered at any frequency and duration: Up to 6x/wk at 3hrs per session or as little as 1x/month for wellness.
The ability to focus on the quality of movement is key in recovery. Function recovered through the use of massive compensation techniques can help to gain greater independence but can be short-sighted. These compensations can break down joints, cause long-term pain and osteoarthritis, and lead to greater levels of dependence in later stages of recovery. Dr. Audia is dedicated to restoring every person’s highest quality of pain-free movement throughout the rehabilitation process.
What is a Neuro-IFRAH therapist?
Neuro-IFRAH trained therapists use a specialized therapeutic approach for achieving the highest quality outcomes for patients with a stroke or traumatic brain injury. Dr. Audia is an advanced-trained Neuro-IFRAH therapist with over 18 years of experience specializing in working with patients with stroke or traumatic brain injury. He is adept at treatment techniques to assist patients in the recovery of the whole body. This means posture, arm, hand, and even foot/ankle functional recovery can be part of a complete rehabilitation treatment plan.
What types of disorders do you treat?
We specialize in treating all neurologic disorders from stroke, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury, Guillian-Barre Syndrome, Transverse Myelitis, and more. In addition we have an advanced orthopedic program to help people with painful musculoskeletal issues. This includes everything from low back pain, hip/knee/ankle/foot dysfunction, neck pain, shoulder/elbow/wrist/hand dysfunction and more. Our orthopedic therapy programs are designed to target complete recovery of painful issues to ensure it does not recur in the future.
Do you work with muscle and joint pain?
We have extensive experience working with musculo-skeletal pain/dysfunction. Advanced certifications in Mulligan Mobilization with Movement, Maitland Australian Manual Therapy Techniques, and myofascial release, and angular joint mobilization are just a few of our many qualifications. We have helped many people with back pain, neck pain, shoulder problems, hip/knee/ankle problems to get back to doing what they love quickly and making sure that the issue is completely resolved.
Why should I choose a physical therapist over a chiropractor or massage therapist for pain relief?
Physical Therapy is the complete solution. A skilled physical therapist can help you to diagnose the exact problem, identify the reason it occurred, treat the issue to resolution, AND educate you to make sure the issue does not occur again. Physical Therapists are skilled in joint mobilization/manipulation, soft-tissue mobilization, modalities for pain relief, neuro-muscular re-education (the process of getting your muscles to activate with correct timing and intensity in order to correct movement patterns), therapeutic exercise, ergonomic education, and more!
Chiropractors are skilled manipulators but cannot re-educate your neuromuscular system and strengthen the weak connections for complete recovery. Massage Therapists can help to relieve soft tissue pain but cannot identify the reason it is happening and carry out treatment a program to make sure it comes to complete resolution. Because chiropractics and massage therapy are often incomplete solutions, they are prescribed on an extremely long-term basis or even forever! Why continue to just treat symptoms when you can resolve the issue completely? Physical Therapy is the complete solution.
Can I supplement my current therapy with Audia Physical Therapy?
Yes! When increased intensity of physical therapy is desired, Audia PT can see patients on off-days from patients’ current therapists.
I am very distractible during therapy. Is there a private area for treatment?
Our clinic is set up to enable maximal attention from even the most distractible patients. Our staff and visitors understand the need for a quiet environment free of interruptions. Most of the time, treatment is performed in a completely private area to ensure the best results and total attention. Management of the treatment environment is key to attention and organize the environment according to each patient’s unique needs.